Purikura is the abbreviation of "purinto kurabu" (print club) used to describe those crazy Japanese photo sticker booths and the little photo stickers they spit out. They're good fun, but I guess the machines are expensive to import because I can't find anywhere that has them cheap here in Brisbane.
I saw one a few months ago at the Logan Hyperdome but it was $15 and looked a bit faded.
Today I went and peeked in at Area 58 in Elizabeth Street arcade in the city (photo above). They have more than one machine, but again, they're either $12 or $15. There was a Japanese lady working there when I went in. I know she was Japanese because I asked her a question and she answered in Japanese, even though I asked in English. I don't think she even realised she did it.
I saw a sign near there for another place called Sense-Q over in Adelaide Street (see map below) and they allegedly even have English instructions, but I have yet to check it out.
I also heard that there's a place at Sunnybank (Market Square), and discovered that they have a
website, but I don't know if they're any cheaper than the others. I got a bit excited when I saw the "Machine Hire & Sales" tab on the website, but sadly they
don't offer day hire because it takes a day just to set a machine up. No purikura parties just yet I guess.