Imagine what it would feel like to wash your hair with ice cream. I thought there might be some literature available on the subject, but alas no.
I did, however, find information on using other foods and beverages on your hair. I've never used any of them and don't know if they work, but the concept of intentionally putting food and/or drink in your hair amuses me.
For body and shine massage a beaten egg into freshly washed hair, wait 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Don't use hot water or you'll have scrambled egg hair - mmm.
Mayonnaise is also supposed to be a great conditioner, but, again, don't use hot water to rinse it out. Apparently if it sets in your hair it's very difficult to get out.
Rinse hair with vinegar after shampooing for increased shine and fewer tangles. Doesn't seem to matter whether you rinse it all out. You might smell like vinegar briefly but supposedly not once it dries.
Beer is supposed to add shine and body. Wash your hair as usual, pour on some beer, massage it in, then rinse off after a few minutes. Don't use light beer if your aim is body. One site also suggests that you should choose a beer that doesn't smell too strongly or you will give people the wrong impression at work.
Some crazy people suggest using honey and even maple syrup, but I just CAN'T imagine that coming out easily. You'd want to stay away from bears and flies too.
Do let me know how ice cream goes if you happen to try it.